Discover Scuba Diving – your first dive
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to breath underwater!
If you want to find out but aren’t quite ready to take the plunge into a certification course, Discover Scuba Diving will let you try scuba to see if you like it.
While not an actual scuba certification, during the Discover Scuba Diving experience you’ll learn how to use scuba equipment in our outdoor pool (Tenerife) and get a quick and easy introduction to what it takes to Sea another world.
There is nothing like breathing underwater for the very first time. It takes a little getting used to –after all, human beings weren’t designed to do that – but after a few minutes of awestruck wonder, most participants realize how easy scuba diving really is.
How long will the experience Take?
- Usually around one hour as we only coach on a safer 1-1 basis – The biggest challenge instructors have with the Discover Scuba Diving program is not coaxing participants into the water, but coaxing them out when the program is over.
I’m a bit nervous!!!
- We at InterSkill are specialist in 1-1 training for nervous divers and those with a fear or phobia of water, using special NLP techniques we help our students overcome their fears and place them on the path to a successful diving experience.
What will I learn?
- You learn the basics you need to dive under the direct supervision of a PADI Professional. One thing you’ll learn is that you really can breathe underwater
- Learn what wearing scuba equipment feels like and how easy it is to move around underwater while wearing it
- Find out what it’s like to breathe underwater and learn whether you can be comfortable thereLearn some basic skills and safety rules that will carry over to your full scuba certification course when you take the next stepPlus, you can get credit! If your Discover Scuba Diving program includes an actual scuba dive in open water, your experience may count toward PADI Scuba Diver or Open Water Diver certification, putting you a step ahead of the game when you decide to go for it
What do I need?
- A BIG smile and a willingness to learn
- All the equipment you will need in a Discover Scuba Diving experience is provided for you.
- You’ll use all the basic scuba gear including a mask , snorkel and fins, a buoyancy compensating jacket that also carries your scuba tank, a scuba regulator to breathe from and instrumentation to monitor depth and air supply.
- A camera – get your friends and family to take memorable photos of your experience
- To take Discover Scuba Diving, you must be: At least 10 years old
But I am not 10 yet!!!!
- No problem – we have a Bubble Maker club for any one who reaches 8 years old
- You get to go under the water in the pool and have some fun and exciting games
Its my Birthday soon !
- Congratulations, we can arrange a very special birthday party underwater, for more details about this special day and both the Discover Scuba and Bubblemaker, please submit a request on the form below
As with every course we will need a medical questionnaire completing – you can download here ..>